Another year has ended, and the last 2 shorts of 2022 are now available, "ESPONTANEIDAD" & "The Triple M and Co. Is Real!".
Unfortunately, we were unable to release the tribute/special video celebrating Triple M and Co.'s 3rd anniversary on YouTube, due to Sulonam's motivation, health status, and hard work within Restoration Of Sonic.exe.
At the same time, I have to confirm that "Triple M and Co. Official Randomness, A Random Tour" has been completely renamed to "The End of 1st MMM & Co. Arc", which will be a tribute to all the content and stories that have been uploaded since 2020. In addition, all the characters that have appeared in the channel during the 1st Arc will make an appearance.
Sincerely, Sulonam
PS: Both shorts were going to debut in the special video, but since it took us a long time to release it, we decided to provide you with this pair of videos first so that the wait is not so long.