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The Restoration Era

Writer's picture: Triple M and Co.Triple M and Co.

Despite various personal situations, insecurities, mistakes, demotivations, regrets and negligence, you can always try to restore your life to achieve great things and move forward.
Despite various personal situations, insecurities, mistakes, demotivations, regrets and negligence, you can always try to restore your life to achieve great things and move forward.

"In the year 2022, specifically on November 4th, the Triple M known as Sulonam would contact Merphi to find out once and for all why the mod "Sonic.exe But I Restored It" had been canceled and, subsequently, the return of this same mod on the same day of its cancellation. After a short talk, Sulonam would decide to send certain official assets and concepts that were leaked as a small help for development, and thanks to that small action, Merphi would invite Sulonam into the Restoration team."

To be honest, I never thought about the possibility of being part of a project of this style, especially in a mod with such a controversial and problematic community. I still remember that feeling when I entered the mod for the first time, I was very scared, extremely nervous and very excited to help and do things for the project.

At first, I kept quiet, watching the development, not interacting with anyone and simply observing Merphi directing or making decisions with the people who were there at the time. However, as the months went by and due to certain situations that made me worry about the state of the team, Merphi would grant me the role of official Co-Director of the mod, a position that I am proud to have even today despite not being so focused on the mod.

Throughout the development of the mod, I began to interact more and more with the vast majority of the project members and I would meet other people outside of the team, like people from around the internet, people who were part of the community and friends of other team members who I would quickly gain a lot of trust and respect for, forming friendships that would last until today and that would become extremely important in my life, helping me to be more empathetic, to have greater confidence when expressing my feelings or talking about various interesting topics. In short, we became "The Restoration Family".

Of course, not everything is roses and violets, as we have met several times people inside and outside the team who ended up being very bad people or quite toxic. On the one hand, a small part of the team ended up being quite nefarious people, because apart from committing many terrible things and leaking assets, they ended up breaking our trust or hurting us emotionally as a result of their lies, lack of honesty and/or manipulation, so they were permanently kicked out never to return.

On the other hand, a lot of individuals in the FNF and Sonic.exe community were hurling hate at us, harassing devs, using certain minor dramas to exaggerate things and make the entire team look bad despite having members who have never gotten into trouble, some were dedicated to imposing constant leaks to the mod such as sharing, using and tracing assets without the devs' permission, and on certain occasions, raiding the community servers. Working and doing things for the project is extremely complicated when these scenarios occur, and many times the devs lose the motivation to continue with the development.

As Co-Director of the mod, I'm often worried about my team and I always try to do my best for them, even though I repeatedly feel like I could have given more of myself or solved things in a better way. I have often questioned myself if I really deserve to be with them or if having this role is right for me, and when I combine my own insecurities with my uncontrolled emotions, it makes me have certain existential crisis-type moments. However, thanks to my team and friends I can regain my motivation to continue developing and bring fresh or creative ideas to improve the quality of the mod.

Being the first and only FNF mod I'm a part of, RoSe has allowed me to experiment and learn a huge amount of things, from which I've been able to see my capabilities and virtues, such as my patience, my empathy, my concern and my creativity. As Co-Director, I'm in charge of seeing the development of all the categories of the mod, such as: Code, Charting, Music and Art. In addition, I also review lesser things such as Voice Acting, optimization, errors and extra details so that the mod has a good presentation, is in a functional state and can be enjoyed by the vast majority of people. Although, since I have the Source Code of the mod, I dedicate myself to realize certain things, such as adding assets, coding minor things, updating or doing graphic design, doing voice acting for certain characters, editing videos and testing the songs, menus and other things that my friends code or fix (Like Merphi, SonicPlay & Wolfie).

In other areas, I usually motivate my friends and team through supportive conversations, advices, or simply sharing similar experiences, as I have often felt like an older brother and I usually relate to their situations (Apart from the fact that I am quite old lol). Despite several negative situations that usually happen, we always manage to move forward to continue developing this project that we love so much, because at the end of the day, we remain determined to see this project finished with all the content we have planned. Also, as the entities of madness that we are, we entertain ourselves a lot with our bizarre creations, random moments, inside jokes and memes.

However, thanks to RoSe I got some problematic behaviors, like an overprotection caused by the community's problems and the toxic people, which causes me to lack confidence when it comes to meeting new people. At the same time, having witnessed the most horrible and disgusting side of the community (Such a vast and repulsive well of radiation) made me sprout some bitterness, negativity and seriousness when discussing certain topics, like the behavior of several modders and creators, the management of development in different projects throughout the internet, the lack of affection when creating mods, hypocrisy, Exes and how the childish, detestable and irritating behavior of the FNF and Sonic.exe community (Especially on Twitter and Discord) always have to call attention with dramas just to scratch views and not to learn anything at the end of the day, they affect the motivation of people who really want to show their talent and they take more importance to popularity and image instead of the fun that modifications offer.

I've been away from the FNF and Sonic.exe community for many years now, and I feel much better off being out of it, I don't have the same interest in modding as I used to have a couple of years ago, so I stopped watching and getting informed about the mods that are coming out these days. Although, I always end up getting informed about the dramas that happen because of my friends, since they always let me know about news or things that happen. Anyway, I'm just focused on RoSe to see how it develops and help out when I can.

Lastly, having been focused on RoSe for 2 years, the content on the Triple M and Co. YT channel was pretty inactive, if not non-existent. But, thanks to RoSe itself, a total of 4 shorts related to the project were released, which completely helped me in keeping the channel alive. These shorts were:

W.S.C. Stereotypical Decadency

The 1st RoSe related short. This video is an April Fool's joke, completely mocking one of the many attempts at my cancellation by the community, specifically, for supposed racism for saying the infamous N-Word.

To be honest, it was pretty easy to piss off that toxic group of people, and they don't really deserve any apologies from me. In fact, they deserve all the mockery they need for being a bunch of degenerates who love to harass or waste the time of good-hearted people.

Of course, the nightmare I had was quite terrifying, that a guy like the Medicaster takes control of the channel is a pretty terrible fate, especially if he starts incorporating Clickbait to gain views, what a disgrace.

W.S.C. Restoration Of Sonic.exe Slander

The 2nd RoSe related short. Of all the videos released during the restoration era, this was my biggest and most important project (It took me +3 months of development), since it is a tribute and the end of a whole year of development on the mod, which went through too many stories and situations.

The project started out as just making jokes about the devs, dramas, and internal memes related to RoSe, but eventually, jokes related to the FNF and Sonic.exe community were incorporated into it, causing the video to be a sort of satire on a whole range of well-known events in the mainstream. At the same time, it made fun of a lot of extremely toxic and nefarious people.

This short was my permanent farewell to those communities that caused me so many problems, and I will not deny that, when I released the short, I expected it to cause havoc and discussions on various social networks, but in the end, the people who saw the short ended up loving it way too much (Even the people I made fun of; Some haters ended up becoming fans of the project lol).

As expected, a certain amount of the jokes presented in the short aged poorly with time, but who knows if I'll make fun of the jokes in a sequel... only time and motivation will tell.

W.S.C. For Restoration!

The 3rd RoSe related short. This video is a shitpost featuring one of the project's mascots/characters/entities/inside jokes, which asks the viewer to restore the entire place to restore the fate of things.

The meme was created by a close friend of mine known as Dolor de Duodeno, and truth be told, none of us could have predicted that the meme would become so popular within the project's community. The joke became so common among the devs that it's become routine to say the phrase "For Restoration!" to anything cool that we appreciate.

Fun fact, the joke is literally our watermark when it comes to showing teasers or official previews of the mod. At the end of the day, it seems that the restoration was the friendships we made along the way.

W.S.C. A Restorable Help

The 4th RoSe related short . This video is the spiritual sequel to the previously mentioned short, which focuses on seeking help from more entities with a shred of sanity in restoring the fate of all things.

This video was specifically made during a period of development where new members were required to improve the mod's art. However, things got out of hand when a lion-like entity tried to take control of the video to abduct people and trap them in a rather disturbing and mysterious place.

At the end of the day, the necessary help was obtained and the development of the mod is going at a good pace, so it is a matter of time and patience to see it finished. And in case you are wondering, no, Hugh Neutrino and Homero Chileno SonSimp have nothing to do with RoSe, they simply appeared in the short to spam.

In the end, despite the countless situations that occurred during the development of the mod, RoSe has been a hugely important part of my life. I will always be grateful for all the support and amazing moments my friends and team gave me, especially Merphi for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this. Without you, none of this could have happened.

For my part, I will continue to help out on the mod in the best way I know how, being the Co-Director of a bunch of incredibly amazing restoration madness entities with incredible talent that deserve great things in their respective lives. Of course, I will focus more on Triple M and Co, as it is time to get back to doing things on the project that started this whole odyssey in the first place.

Sincerely, Sulonam

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